Silva Taroucy

Dendrochronologický výzkum na Odboru ekologie lesa Výzkumného ústavu Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví

History of the laboratory

Dendrochronologically laboratory OEL VÚKOZ was founded in 2008 at Lidická 25/27, Brno.

The basic focus of the laboratory

Among the key topics addressed include the study of natural history disturbancy temperate forests in the region. In this research provides valuable information dendrochronology vector to re-surface dendrometrickým data on a gradient from lowland forests (eg. NPR Cahnov at an altitude of 151-152 m) to the mountain forests with a predominance of Picea abies (eg. A part of Praděd at an altitude of 1233- 1386 m, see Linking with dendrometrickými data retrospectively validate some still allows arbitrary practices dendrochronological research. In research disturbancy history of natural forests is unique dendroekologická reconstruction of the rest mostly pine trees from the turn of the last Glacial and Holocene found under a layer of peat in Central Bohemia (recently addressed the topic). Here are dendrochronologically data linking with paleobotanickými data. Dendrochronologically data are further linked to your soil and radiometric data (14C, 210Pb, 137Cs, 226Ra), which is used to address the interaction between trees and soil, especially to dating disturbance of soils and pedogenesis to study the variability of soil and natural forests. Partial studies using dendrochronological data were dealt with in the Czech Republic, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine and the USA.

The laboratory equipment

The laboratory is equipped with a meter TimeTable Austrian production and supplies. For measurement and dating of samples is used primarily by software PAST 4.2 ( and COFECHA (Holmes 1983). The laboratory is fully equipped for the collection and processing of both recent samples (holes, kulaks), but also (sub) fossil tribes.


Pavel Šamonil, Petra Doleželová, Ivana Vašíčková


Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví, v. v. i.,
Lidická 25/27
Brno 602 00
tel. 541 246 248