History of the czech dendrochronology


Development of dendrochronology in the Czech Republic, as it ran from the second third of the twentieth century, can be divided into several time periods:

thirtieth to fiftieth years, the period beginning: are determined options, fixed working methods and chronologies for the first checked option dendrochronological dating
the sixties and seventies: time compiling chronologies especially oak and fir for large territorial units
eighties and the following: a large number of already odatovaného historic and prehistoric materials and sophisticated computer technology allows geographically build a “softer” standard chronology, even for pine and spruce

Summers thirtieth to fiftieth

In Czechoslovakia aroused interest in the study of tree rings results Americans (Glock, Studhalter and others) on the field dendroklimatologie. Already in the 30s widths of tree rings as a data source deals astronomer A. Bečvář. 1937 publishes work about the relationship between periodicity in solar activity – climate – rings (4). After the war it adds climatologist S. Hanzlik. He measured dozens of tree-ring series of live trees, noting the consensus extremes of climate and extreme elements on the tree-ring series and in his published communications (5, 38, 39) both suggested methodological approaches dendrochronology studying climate change. The need to use dendrochronology, the study of solar activity and climate fluctuations have warned late 50s still astronomer L. Křivský (48). This initiative, however, ended on the impossibility of obtaining capacity for specialized department, the data is likely to be preserved.
1955 begins its existence first Czech workplace, constantly engaged in dendrochronology, though not as a discipline dating of wood. The Research Institute of forestry in Zbraslavi-based Bunting dendrochronological laboratory Bohuslav Vins. But the objective is solely to forestry service. The activity of this department are mostly already next year.

The sixties and seventies

In the late fifties he took a major initiative already enunciated Berndt Becker in collaboration with Veronica Giertzovou-Siebenlistovou. They moved quite like its predecessor Huber with an oak tree in central Germany, their main interest, however, thanks to the results Müller-Stoll was fir. The role played by living trees just treated her old forests. They filled roughly three centuries period 1640 – 1940. This material Beskydy mountain, resulting in a very old, the already outdated and a recently-existent firs from polesí Moravek, had a time span of 1701 – 1943. The tree-ring series of live trees and large trouble followed numerous tree-ring series of classicist and Baroque trusses mainly from southern Germany and later from other parts of Central Europe. Followed by wood from older and older buildings and the archaeologically investigated early medieval buildings. In 1970, when writers published a detailed report (3) on the creation of “Mitteleuropäische Tannenchronologie” reached its oldest annual rings AD 820. Historical material from Czechoslovakia was totally lacking. The political climate was not for international scientific cooperation favorable. The rapid development of dendrochronology in Germany has its echo in Poland. Work there logically begin by addressing the issue teleconnections to the already processed area in Germany (36).

In Czechoslovakia the 60s longer period of activity vzpomenutého B. Vins and he founded the laboratory in VÚLHM in Zbraslavi-Strand. In a series of works using tree ring analysis as basic working method, after the initial methodical communication (98) characterizes the structure and development of forests (99, 101, 111), increment ratios of two introduced species (127, 128), quantifies the increment loss of forest caused industrial air pollution type SO2 (102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 113, 114, 119, 123, 124, 125, 126, 131) emitting factories potassium fertilizers (116, 122), increment change in response to change the water regime in floodplain forests (121) and defoliation caused by a nun (130). The laboratory was fitted successively device enabling rapid measurement and data transmission (105, 112, 115). For dendrochronology as a discipline dating from this period were probably the most significant result of the laboratory work on ecological and geographical variability increment of spruce and pine in the Czech lands, based on extensive material dozens of plots and hundreds of processed trees (117, 118). The result is a summary tree ring series (really a kind of regional chronology) Spruce areas: Šumava, Ore Mountains, Giant Mountains, Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, and pine for the typical “pine” area: West Upland, Central Bohemian Upland, North Bohemian sandstone, South Bohemia Basin, Area, and both wood tree ring series average for the whole country. Series are unfortunately very short; They include only 60-year period from 1907 to 1967, so as dating standards have no meaning. For the development of future standard chronologies but work has led to a number of important data: the author of all the regional tree-ring series mutually compared in terms of their degree of similarity to each other (using the correlation coefficient). These data were reviewed later, when the working group at the Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences started building regional standards of both species. In the following period also began Zbraslavská lab with absolute dating of old wood.
The first work is “old wood” began in 1971, its agents were Josef Kyncl (Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences, environmental dept.) In Brno, Tomas Velímský and Jan Klápště (Archaeological Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences). Then it was gradually rehabilitated historical center Bridge to make way for expansion of surface mining of brown coal. Sanitation preceded allover archaeological research. When it yielded a considerable amount of wood buildings of the medieval age. The first task was to paleobotanical laboratory species identification woods in judgment. A significant portion of wood, however, was apparently well dendrochronologically workable. Departments had no basic facilities for dendrochronology, because the wood conserved and gradually improvised devices measured. The result was a series of tree ring, partly in sync, but absolutely neodatované. Later, odatovány, created the oldest part of the standard chronology fir Republic.

Another dendrochronologically activity related to the findings of an archaeological wood Moravian settlement in Mikulčice, and the pilots of the bridge, exposed in r. 1967 in the research of the old riverbed of the Morava. These samples, mostly oak, processed Vladimir Zidek (Archaeological Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Brno, 131, 132). The results were synchronized with one another tree-ring series, also absolutely neodatované. Odatovány were later in the nineties J. Dvorska.

Eighties and following

Early 80s ends in Central Europe, the period for making “major” (ie. A geographically large) standard chronologies. You have a purpose in large geomorphological and environmentally homogeneous platforms northern Germany and Poland (chronology of oak and pine); to the south of them in the field geomorphological and ecological complex, experience has shown the need to compile dating standards for smaller territorial units, and also for eating. Perfection Central European fir chronology ends early 80s and is replaced by a gradual compilation of regional chronologies. In the case fir this procedure is quite easy. Its abundant presence in historical buildings, especially rafters, methodical progress made possible by the development of technology acquisition and data processing and growing activity in dating historical material leads to the formation of flat and temporally dense network data on the area of ​​its natural range in Germany, France, Switzerland, northern Italy, Poland and in the 90s and Slovenia and the Czech Republic. Roughly the same goes for oak, pine and spruce, with the proviso that a very broad ecological amplitude pine has resulted in a higher percentage nedatovatelných samples and lesser frequency of occurrence of each species in the historic material, creation of quality standards is slowing. Are processed and the long chronology of alpine woods (Limba, larch, spruce 92). Geographically finer standards allow using dendrochronology to solve another problem: the question of provenance timber (35). An entire industry becomes dendrochronology works of art, especially paintings boards Dutch masters (46). Thanks processing subfosilního material chronology of Oak rapidly extending into the past. Drawn together tree-ring series B. Schmidt (90) exceeds r. 1982 years BC in 2000, a summary report of European institutes from r. 1984 (86) states have already processed a total length of period 7,272 years.

The first Czechoslovak dendrochronology, who began dating absolutely historic wood was Bohuslav Vinš in the aforementioned lab VÚLHM Zbraslav, in collaboration with J. flour, J. and V. Škabrada brews. Starting in 1988, the successively sampled from the roof of the former St. Anne in the Old Town Hall in Tabor truss, timbered house in the Lausitz and farmsteads no. 161 in the Net. Tree-ring series were absolutely odatovány comparison with Central European chronology fir-Siebenlist Becker (94, 95). The systematic dating of wood but Zbraslavská lab did not continue. B. Vinš was the founder and longtime chairman Dendrochronological section Czechoslovak Botanical Society, which brought together people interested in a variety of applications ring analyzes (97).

1985 Dendrochronological arises in the workplace Institute of Botany in Průhonice. Its staff includes Jaroslav good (to dir. 1995), Josef Kyncl (in r. 1999), and later, from r. 1999 Tomas Kyncl, Marcela Mácová and Tomas Tichy. The primary content of the environmental laboratory applications and the first methodical intent was to create a laboratory radiographic densitometry wood that would allow obtain excluding widths of tree rings and other data, in particular the maximum density of the wood grain. The method has been implemented since 1986 (64). When using this method radiographic densitometry were processed about 180- year tree-ring series autochthonous mountain spruce Giant Mountains taken in altitude transect (in collaboration with Constantin Sander and Dieter Eckstein, University of Hamburg) to cognition and characterize changes in tree rings responses to climate factors from the effects of industrial air pollution (16, 60, 89). Data from předimisního periods mentioned tree-ring series was later used for the study of climate reconstructions (9; management respectively. Collaboration: Rudolf Brázdil, Pavla Štěpánková, PF MU Brno). Using the same method was studied speech fungus infestation of wood layered mangroves (Heterobasidion annosum) at a density of spruce tree ring structure (40) and a reflection of the interaction spruce – Armillaria (Armillaria mellea) in the ranks of tree ring widths (41), in both cases under management, respectively. Cooperation: George Boletus (Institute of Botany of the CSAS) and Alois Black (Faculty of Forestry University of Agriculture). Using radiographic densitometry wood traits were characterized by growth rings denzitního profile faces. Cupressaceae (18), the impact of climate change on the shape denzitogramu growth rings of Scots pine and black pine on xerotherm station (56, co-operation: Hana Blíziková, PF KU), was characterized climatic signal in tree-ring series relict pine woods on serpentines of Central Moravia (57; collaboration Margarita M. Chernavskaya, RAN Institute of Geography in Moscow), and a study was prepared by reacting a density structure of the annual rings of trees in 1912 at the upper treeline to the extraordinary weather conditions in the same year, associated with the eruption of Katmai volcano in Alaska; The material was used in Central Europe and the Balkans (65; collaboration: Jan Munzar, Department of Geography CSAS). Outside the normal methods of dendrochronology study was carried out on the metal content of tree rings spruce from air pollution heavily damaged area in Jizera mountains (63; collaboration: Jaroslav Jambor, UJEP in Brno). The method of analysis of tree rings widths problem was solved crown competition Scots pine and white pine in the Elbe sandstone, abnormal proliferation of white pine in the original relict pine woods (83). Possibility of using radiographic techniques densitometry in Průhonice laboratory timber led to long-term cooperation with this lab dendrochronological laboratory University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada (1993-1998). In the first phase was examined for the presence of climatic signals in tree-ring series of very old individuals Pacific Silver Fir, Thuja giant and cypress nutkajského (Abies amabilis, Thuja plicata, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) in autochthonous forests primeval forest alpine degrees North Shore Mountains in the coastal ridge of the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia extremely oceanic climate, with a positive result in particular in the case of a fir tree (20, 21). The next stage was based on a fir tree rings to reconstruct climate (temperature from April to September) for the period 1770-1990 (17; collaboration: K. Klinka, B. A. Blackwell). In addition, it developed a method of determining the death of branches in the tops of old individuals Thuja (13; L. D. Daniels, M. C. Feller).

Since 1993, the laboratory should Průhonická also available system for automatic measurement of tree rings and measuring table with electro-optical signal source, since 1998 the measuring table Kutschenreiter magnetic signal source. Data Processing secured to r. Catras 1994 program (2) in the period 1994-2000 Arstan system and Cofecha (37), then the system PAST. This allowed systematic work in dating historical and archaeological wood and designing the standard chronologies. From the laboratory staff is dedicated to this activity and Josef Kyncl after the onset of 1999. Tomas Kyncl. Dating as standard initially served already enunciated Middle Eastern chronology fir (3). It turned out that it is well applicable especially in Bohemia, but with better quality samples in the Czech Republic. Work began odatováním previously collected and measured material from a bridge. Thus was obtained a 25-fold interleaved summary row fir 1131-1364 (50, 67). Followed by material from a number of historic buildings, including the other woods, processed always in collaboration with experts in the field of conservation, some of which were the subject of communication in the professional press (1, 6, 49, 54, 55, 69, 70, 75, 80, 81, 85, 132, 135) next communication methodological (7, 52, 66, 87, 93). The densest network of processed historical material were achieved at Český Krumlov and Telc and its wider surroundings. Dendrochronology these areas was the subject of separate communication (8, 73, 76, 77). R. 1997 has created a basis of the standard chronology fir Czech Republic from 1131 to 1997, richly interlaced in the Gothic and Baroque periods. His youngest part was made of living trees chronology 1825-1997, of which the oldest came from the National Park. Increasing the density of samples processed in the Czech Republic allowed gradually build regional chronology fir, spruce and pine for smaller territorial units. Of these regional chronology fir drier and warmer areas of southern Moravia later became the object dendroklimatologického research and reconstruction of precipitation for the last 700 years. Compared chronology fir Moravia with other regional chronology fir in Central Europe showed that the highest teleconnections shows respect for chronology fir Slovenia (138). The exact list of processed objects dating results and their wooden structures are within the 1- or 2-year period, regularly published in a special supplement magazine reports monument care (53, 61, 62, 71), among other summary reports on the activities of the laboratory (68, 72 , 78), and news of various kinds (51, 52, 66, 93). At the end of 2000, the state standard chronologies of the Czech Republic and smaller regions in the Czech Republic following (we always mention the year of the oldest continuous series of annual ring, ending in 20th, exceptionally in the 19th century.): Fir CR-1130-fir Bohemia in 1131, fir-Sev .Čechy 1491, fir-Českokrumlovsko 1284, fir-Telečská 1346, fir-Morava 1130, fir-SZ Moravia 1672, Hana fir-1428, fir-Brno 1543, spruce CR-1279, spruce-Bohemia 1279, spruce-Mat. Bohemia 1537, spruce-Telečská 1409 spruce-Morava 1333, spruce-Svitavsko 1507 Pine CR-1183, pine-Bohemia in 1183, Prague in 1183 pine, pine-Boleslav region in 1641, pine-Morava 1464, dub-CR 975. The creation these standards contributed significantly and material obtained by the activities of private laboratories dendrochronological Josef Kyncl in Brno (see below), and is approximately 60%.

In addition to the historical and archaeological wood Průhonická laboratory involved in the processing of several dendrochronologically subfossil trunks of oak fluvigenních Elbe sediments (59, 82), co E. sprouts and A. Zeman (Geological Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), H. H. Leuschner (University of Göttingen). When it has been detected and characterized and the remanent magnetism of these strains, resulting from the deposition of iron compounds during fossilization (88).

Very important work, dendrochronologically laboratory at the Institute of Archaeology in Brno, located in Mikulčice, founded in late 1996 (22, 30). Its founders were Jitka Courtly and Lumír Poláček, or coworkers. consultants Karl-Uwe Heußner (Deutsches Archäol. Inst., Berlin) and Thorsten Westphal (University of Frankfurt asl). The primary task was to prepare the laboratory dendrochronologically files woods, almost exclusively oak, gradually acquired during archaeological excavations of the Great Moravian cultural horizons past and the present and build a long chronology of oak, extending to the mentioned period. A significant portion of the previously obtained material formed consisted of oak wood obtained from archaeological research fortified residential complex in Mikulčice-Valy in the years 1954-1992: wooden palisades, the pilots of the three bridges, wooden box girder structures and wooden objects from the river branches, including three boats (31). Their processing and synchronizing the relative chronology was obtained by floating with a length of 227 rings. It was subjected to attempt absolute dating by comparison with the South German standard oak. Due to the great length of the dated series was a successful experiment with very high reliability; the entire section was odatován the interval from 645 to 872 years. On this stretch of tree-ring gradually followed a series of archaeological material from Prerov-Upper Square, very long (up to 366 years) tree-ring series from the grate Breclav Castle and samples from Přibice. The result was a chronology of the range 645-1412 (28). Chronology was then enriched by the archaeological material from the Prague Castle, dated 738-958 (27; collaboration: Ivana Boháčová). In 1998-2000 accumulated workplace and partly processed material from nearly 100 other historical or archaeologically investigated objects (23, 25, 26, 29, 34, 133, 134). In 2000, the oak standard for the Czech Republic over live trees stretched until now. At the end of 2000 already included the interval from 538 to 2000 years AD., That brand. 1463 years. (26, 33). In Europe and ranked just behind the southern German and jihopolský oak standard.

Mikulčice activities at the lab immediately followed dendrochronologically laboratory at the Faculty of Forestry of Mendel University in Brno, founded in. 2000 also Jitka Court, and later led by Michal pond. The aim of the department is continuing the construction of the oak standard CR and dating of archaeological material, especially wood. Departments, however, was in the area of ​​dating sporadically active in the past: Hanus Vavrčík worked in r. 1996 old farm homestead no. 171 in the Pure district. Svitavy (96).

Irrespective of the listed sites have realized Ch. Dittmar and W. Zech (Univ. Of Bayreuth), P. Moravcik (Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research, Jílové near Prague) and V. Podrázský (Faculty of Forestry ZU, Kostelec n.Č.l.) dendroekologickou a study on the health status of beech in the Ore mountains in the context of its response to climatic conditions, depending on the impact of SO2 emissions (14, 15).